Eck's Port Pro, the best poetry
for the faith you possess
Eck's Port Pro, the best poetry
for the faith you possess
Eck's Port Pro, the best poetry
for the faith you possess
Eck's Port Pro, the best poetry
for the faith you possess
Up now!! For April (National Poetry Month in America).
And you wager there's less place
To come to sure your peace
Now anchor ships of life at this Port
Let rest for your soul increase.
--> Go Scroll down to at the very bottom of an 'Ecks-caliber' pager, for how-so is evened the main thangs (All-Content-Overview +: -most- important to gather garnering!).
***Go! Now find one additional quote [2 of 5] newly placed. . .please quick click the 'Blog' opener directly below in a sec
**Contact Specific postal mailing address Email alternative: at the very bottom of this whole page, same page, not to miss.
Mini Redirectory
basis basics for ‘HomeSweetPort’ page only
From top-to-bottom of Home Page, that you are on now:
Title bar / Navigation/s bar
Website Title / Opener
Reminder/s x?
+ [look!!]
(This very) Mini Redirectory
basis basics for ‘HomeSweetPort’ page only on
Home Page letter (longer / longest of the entire site)
Two poems for Ecks-Port page (same as 'HomeSweetPort')
1 / 2 - “Asset” by Poet Eck, C. T.
2 / 2 - “To Poem Life In” by Poet Eck, C. T.
***These two original poems found this page are from the ‘Solid
Staple Poems’ Category in the newer Book.
***Worth reciting out loud, these two poems offerings are
certainly ‘solid’ as ‘staples’ of instances of Mr. Eck’s
overall poetry, certain to be good enough for this main
Main Directory (differs from this here Mini Redirectory)
deals with this entire Website, not just this here Home Page
includes key topics of distinct page names based on my last
name “Eck”
involves the two or in some cases three poems titles therein
Copyrighted Protection / Donation/s/s notice
applicable for, current -Today- and at first
posting for April 4, 2022 and backdates and forward moves, too
site pics and the site geometric border “pattern” are all Copyrighted
the only area to Donate, and only if you wish (no pushing): is on the
“Ecks-toll” page (a.k.a. ‘tollbooth donate lane’) – this makes
giving both discreet and still accessible
Purpose Cause + {seen note about being up (posted) once monthly only}
NOTICE - placing for this / these paragraphs now up on same month day date as
the year we are revolving (approximate for each 23rd for in 2023), check back. . .
bonus piece of peace on the site as a whole
now, what, somewhat, like a mini-Blog entry on repentance beyond belief
more & an extra-extra poem
Copyright date and name
All Rights Reserved. !
The End
hereby herein Dedicated to all of you said ‘porters’
fancy that, that we should be interrelated for the Internet!!
* * *
Ahoy–There–Mateys!! Lord Jesus-in-me loves you!!
Welcome-to-the Eck’s Port screen, here ‘HomeSweetPort’ and, but not heaven yet, perhaps closer, but not closet-prayer yet, with an advice bit you may listen to, to choose pro or con (that is, for or against). Advice is like work, you do what you are personally and presently called to; one cannot do all the work and it is good to know to do things your best (that is, with all you have got and….take for counsel – again, advice). Here, it is one-day-at-a-time you may come around to appreciate, and as this Ecks-Port pro-version is up, please be pleased with it: here once or to return moreso, maybe not to turn and re-turn pages but to power-click over to our (yours, and made by me, so mine, but for you alls) ‘Weblog Triage’ (did you know the term “blog” is a shortened from of ‘weblog’?) just on the interrelated Internet site space known as (& even evenly renamed, and but once you get away way over there). These entire vacation spot/s may be simply one of the most exciting and vital places to harbor your “ship of life” the while you may maybe retire, though take thought before you relax, for the better is at the behest of your very own B-reading; where you may “be” reading is, not necessarily to study (or, A-grade reading, for courses, news coverage, and legal things, I suppose minus fine print ad nauseum that not even a museum shall like to invite), so this is like to mass your whole attention as you give to a thorough read, or twice if you think it is nice thus, but not likely to have to have to concentrate harder: go ahead, read, some or the sum, with or less focus, there if you catch – wave with the ‘www’ waves.
Whether you’re a formidable Internet surfer or a Web publishing aficionado yourself, we’re “exporting” respectful, readable, reliably enjoyable content on more-than-one website, hereby only one-at-a-time tho via “many” navigation bars up top, even if they’re not several, then more than few. Are you more thankful that this Port exists or that there was no sound involved in the loudly-typed “Ahoy” line exclaimed earlier (I’m for both these thanksgivings)? The more you read the more you agree that there's a something for the everyone among us clicking around these automatic tabs, a breeze on way to where I’ll wheel to Eck’s Isle, real pun fun enough, like English “exile” or using my last name for a while – my “I’ll” get-to-it, too. Meanwhile, for a liking of the likes of about me, see collected multi-pics (though no multiverse here in the real reality of the universe for us in the U.S.) for yourself of myself, among the rainbow-row colors of the only PoetryBow I know, aglow by cues of hues, used to be perused.
Based on my German-American last name, Eck (and I am officially about 6.25% full-out Irish-man (complete with green eyes and a reddish beard) and just a tad under all that for either Russian or Polish (unknown today to me myself as I think I am), as I saw to these backgrounds heritages), the Eck’s Port online saving-haven is basically a word-play using the English language (but note it is simply "Eck," not "Ecks," even though I'm using the plural on purpose). Think, singular-“X” as “/” starting “/, \” to “x” for a letter-phonetically and in writing, generally, this, a letter idea online, unique, and refined / refining, more or less, what you are into are you?! Onto the mast, the “Ecks-“ items disclosed within are not hidden but only consist another interdeveloped hint having to do with the last name “Eck,” they also phonically (this means having to do with sound rather than spelling) sound like common English words. Hence, Eck’s Port itself sounds like the term “export” (it also helps to know that: “Ecks” sounds like “ex” (or, the last name “Eck” pronounced “ehk”), and: does not sound like “eeks!” - like a computer “mouse” is not an actual animal, and besides, the tail cord there, if a connected live wire, is before not behind).
“Ecks,” instead of "X", marks the spot on this site, porters. Will you permit me to call you out, ladies and gentlemen, “porters” from this point on (works more than a bit better than "Ecks-men," even as comic culture's X-men in juxtaposition involves females with the males)? One “Ecks” is all you’ll need on your part, around this Port’s parts, seeing I’m just one person (though there are several word-play variations using the plural "s" incorporated on this domain / site and the main of which that is possessive (for Eck’s) in the title but shows up as writer tag Singular-X, regarding the regular use of Eck, for the first of two blogs (Blog Eins)). Author One-X-One, which is another involved usage of part of my name, Eck, tracks on to the other article-machine, Blog Deux, complete with not only a bonus entry, but also multiple ‘video-game’-“endings” oncoming, used-to-be sailing as a $ale item now instead better-by (not to ‘buy’) for F r e e reading online as it asks to you and yours, so to say (just what else is For-Sale today?!!).
What the main site on sharing poetry, called, has to bring along is Eck’s new poetry-only thick-as-an-encyclopedia Book titled and subtitled, Poets Awake Saints Alive Lovers Among Lives Attune, with “247 Collected And Inspected, Original Poems, Comprising 16 Categories [“chapters”], Written And Illustrated By – C. T. Eck.” Included with this poems Book is a 10-page ‘Afterword’ essay by the author, that, like these websites, is less about Eck and more about what is brought up around at these fewer pages of (originally) “.com” now to “pro” then onto “tech” to “codes” version/s mentioned some earlier about four paragraphs up to that first one therein (To find Mr. Eck’s newly lined up bestest Book: visit, click the ‘Bookstore’ tab page, search this Book's title (type the long title in the search bar field without the subtitle), and there you will hap upon the new Book Bio and this Author Bio, as you may gear up to go on to purchase, excitedly!). Be sure to be sure to know that you really know that these “16 Categories” chapters-of-sorts are all already in listings form on the Publisher website Bookstore just shared, to-be-located at the Book Bio, or do not you know, and by now, Internet campers. Really, I would or should have by now, or even still could as I suppose, have posted these same similar descriptions on my own poetry-based Website, that you are a-reading right about right now, and but howsoever do not find need to be either redundant or overinundational (is that a word for American University English BA four (+) year college Professional / Technical Writing major me?!).
Well, why oh oh O why so much writing, Mr. Eck of Eck’s Port?! Me, I do not just enjoy writing, I really like reading and plan well to read-read-read others’ various called, chosen, and faithful Website online spaces for all they put into it themselves, too, and here liked to make enough for someone/s elses to read-read for ourselves, too. Yes, I have both proofread and edited all my own stuffings all around these yonder partitions and found to include 59 Grand Total poems for on Eck’s Port content which is just seven short of 66 (for a non-musical ‘rest’ like on Day7 of Creation Week by God Himself), like the 66 total Holy Bible library-of-Books (or even for 66 chapters later-on put-in for Isaiah (or 66 verses for there in Jeremiah’s Lamentations 3) from in that God’s Book Holy Bible – chapters and verses were not in the original copies or are you unaware?). More than all this, is that this initial “Welcome Home Letter” to you each and all (simply readers, or special porters, or specific Internet campers, what have you or which all-of-the-above are you??) are 21 sub-paragraphs for the present Day 21st-Century, way to go for all the going to of all this writ, Mr. Eck (and but, then again, it is me doing the do of this writing)!
Make sure you have got some drink next to ya (maybe a nice hot meal too! - or put a "then" with the "when" (it is not just if) saying doing a fast as a weather-whether of the when I just said, but still not as much as "now andthen" (tell why about every space of time) but we can tell if all that works better together, as deck walking sailors so to speak or else tourists in training either) as you embark on this journey of a webspace, a.k.a. Eck’s Port. Bottle water that I poet-try as “crystal juice” is my stand by, a favorite composite of high class, which might be reassessed as “poor man’s riches for the muscles” (on to better and better poeting, hopefully, assuredly). You choose yours favs and do to get through without a run for rum in general: that is as mostly for pirates you know (who maybe shout “Yo-Ho” in a stead of a songing “Hallelujah-Alleluia” sing-sung). In our case, well, we’re ‘www sea farers,’ or ‘surfers,’ and now, is it porters it is, who be hungry as we go!
You haven’t been abandoned, even if there’s an isle (this is islet, or island) present. This island is like no other, because it lies on the sea of the Internet, and at the port none other than “Eck’s Port,” where we fish by a “net” (hey, InterNET!) instead of with a rod, hook, line, sinker, and reel. So, instead of waves, you’ve just surfed the World Wide Web – the “www” in the address bar even seem like little waves, don’t they? Is that for “World Wide Web” (yes) or “When Will We" (as in, take a break; wait)?
From the olden version, triangled-in-Bermuda so to speak, not sunk I thunk (missing about twice; not counting being missed the whiles up throughout). [What I did was, without copying out dictionary definitions of each of the “code” words used on this site, every page including the Home Page (HomeSweetPort) lists three things directly under the navigation bar (you can distinguish for yourselves how each vocabulary word applies to various pages on my site through optimizing an online dictionary search engine if you want); first, on the left is a vocabulary word, such as “extol,” and then, in the middle of the line is the respective page name, each based on my last name, such as “Ecks-toll”; finally, to the right is each page’s respective description, such as “tollbooth time” in this instance; in every case, the page names in the middle of each page refer to the vocab words next to them on the left: so, per the examples I just used, one of my site’s pages would read as follows: extol; Ecks-toll; tollbooth time!] To the new news that is the one for seizing the day today. Necessitating an anomaly such as is the recipe equation re: mentioned intentionally, already HomeSweetPort, just intradimensionally timed ahead of –us– now precisely nine (9 – and as the very highest single digit under double-digits 10 or on to more) paragraph groups downward as I having written for your reading, clued in where, over there, under a bit more (will you read, if you will?).
I did take one linguistics class in college, but never really imagined a more extensive use for my last name until only recently. Growing up, my ultra-short last name was a benefit in at least a few ways: when I first learned to spell, I suppose I finished the name writing school assignment speedier than the average bear. Later on, when “Game Over” flashed across the screen of a video game at the arcade, it would prompt for just three spaces of letters: where many-a-player would enter their initials or put part of their name, I would just put “E C K.” I chose not to use an apostrophe to denote the possessive case of “Eck” in each of these word-plays, by the way; besides, the only symbol allowed in Internet domain names (next to numbers and alphabet letters) is a dash, such as in “” (I chose to incorporate a dash in the domain name of this site, because without it, the title of the site tends to also spell “sport”).
Maybe as I go on through life, there will be more and more benefits of an extra apropos last name. I’ll tell you one thing, mailing letters and bills are a little bit easier when you get to address envelopes with a return name like mine. Will you join me in mining the depths of my fun name, no matter how shallow the scope may seem? What a day today could be, if you get to this today!
I think I am having too much fun with it alone, just writing, so somebody else over some wave or by some pier of this encrypted sea port simply must be here for some special reason. Maybe it’s for you (yeah); maybe it’s for passing on to someone you know. Maybe, just maybe, it’s for all of the above multiple choices of all of us together, at least those several manys who have been in and out of here before. It’s here for all of you!
This version of my poetry-driven webproject is a step-up from my former sittings, Eck's Isle & Eck’s Port .com’s, which may have only been worth an honorable mention. As far as I can anticipate, this latest of mine may garner a bronze in respect to class act, sharing again now in bringing any personable ideas to upgrade this rare website to, perchance, a well-done silver or glorious gold offering, so it could maybe win a prize for creativity of sorts (at least in your hearts!). For instance, I can serve notice that for one thing, the background around the main logo is not ice and snow in the Arctic only because it's white, because icebergs don't fit well with palm trees (my port is at an island, with a sub-city, so try exploring all the pages in time for more telling points that may lead you to consider securing a copy of my unique ‘poetry-only’ book, out now today, now by poetry “selections” offering once, prefix to the perchance of yours, poet C. T. Eck, his (mine purely) uncovetous spotlight verses versus any life strut rut). To the Afterword from a prize poet, whose categories by 16 can be noted among the $ales page Eck’s Port, of which poems book’s title / subtitle denotes remotely, sparsely in discretion, for each’s purchase intervention(s), good for gifts, fine for holidays (seen highlightings, again, available reopening as a newer platform style (bettering for mobile hereabouts, too) another April (National Poetry Month in America) during 2 0 2 2, in time before Spring’s over).
For those of us who count, we can take from my notice, again, right here that there are liking twenty-one (21) divisions in this HomeSweetPort letter you are inside for the time being for the year of our Lord (behind) 2021(publishing official release date 11/11/11) and after we made it to the poetesque 2020 envisioned as well was a very visionary year (you've heard of 20/20 vision, surely). Not only, but all of my online poems posted point likes of readers such as thee (these you porters, throughout letters like thus, this), entitled in goodly / bettering / best-est inspection for the finalized collections, that is categories. There happens to be happening a poets publishing dream, not this content, but the contest of the enterprise of the opening of the statement, uttered boldly only as I or we have opted to have ought, free and freeing. Have you in exploration, or can you in estimation, enjoy poetry as together you are patient for further delving then and again by you for I (just me, now that’s better English. . .)?
This has (we’ve) been through grand opening. This has (we’ve) been through “Revision Version.” These have (we’ve) come up to pro now. From repairs to resuscitations, that is of poems revisions to blogging, construction zone signs will to be left alone on this poetscape, having away with anything much other than Eck’s Port pro.
There were two “domains” if you got a local "business card" for Eck's Isle around "" There on E-I one-page it described a journey trip you can take typing domains to locate the between site, Ecks-Port. Land ahoy, again, though as a "port" outright we are still near enough to those "www" waves! The pro now, is not prose, but per se of a letter addressed to you alls, affixed accomplished poetry from a once-published poet who is to only be making one try-by, the Weblog Triage accompaniments trio too on the related site aforementioned as, and though for actual prose this author sells literature for a living, manly children’s books for all the young-at-heart (these have enjoyment joy meant) – see under my author name, “C. T. Eck” and but stay with if it is when you wish to try your buy of my poetry-only whole 247-poems-long newer Book (only less than a fourth of those on this website space, though it is larger, too).
On the forefront there may well be composition, as a rendezvous with a reasonable rendition, a “Ty-Ping” position poem, next “Components” goods (a poem) as good over evil. "Israel?" and other questions are interspersed at least once where praying parameters precedes a saving position on the “Ecks-po” or evenly "EcksO" sending to you by presentation a F r e e poem form G9 (10) (condensed like soup, tho distilled by boiling down, an alchemy of less metaphysics and more metamorphosis, as if the ancient holy scrips (scriptures) were grown photosynthesized, materialized away from maddening spiritualism to a Christian science, superb from a college English major become a new Testament teacher). Instead of YouTube or social networking news (EsP pro, symbolized every other non-HomeSweetPort pager, and here for free, beyond what sign I brightly flashed within the old-school "Ecks-cell" before an easy further-information station of relation by an as-usual shorter letter, to now look for on the matching pattern of red&green whereas all else is usually orange&blue (see, for special specifics of these to those). Notice second and fifth rainbow orange and blue agree with the second and fifth in the five vowels a-e-i-o-u on view in the highest name given among men, settled in heaven’s Mt 1: 21, for Matthew and mountain I suppose, with “He will save His people from their sins” and – to think of…parameters encompassing, places to go for people to do the gospel as up-to-date as the newsfeeds, datastreams, and realized dreams sung from or begun.
So and sizeable, it is about a book sized offering, upscaling, ongoing, well-to-do. Think of it as alms, for you reader. Having something to write, share, and now once or moreso selling, please find your way around fine, to not trip on the trip. Then, if you want you could even time yourself reading the whole Port, and X the box of that accomplished achievement with, I guess, an !Ecks!
The bulk of the reads is on page one, this is at that HomeSweetPort (‘home”-pager), which you are on right now. For the gospel-size ‘Possible Mission’ “recipe equation” reason, scroll below the other Home Page, “HomeSweetO” (at, though that one says “unsecure” unlike this site has a Security Certificate to help ensure you, there are for sure none to no Donations or direct Storefront $ales or even fill-in Forms, anywhere therein anyplace, so it is safe enough still on the other interrelated site) to the lower bottom edge and find a fine shining missionary statement example, or was this from an original “Ecks-ample” poem-scape!? Next, then you can insist to assist, indirectly such a directive, to reinstate the “Port-Island-tollbooth-Urb-tent-cell-box-site-plant-&-seed” (every each down line a “Trope Eck” as the “Ecks-“ are these of Eck’s, belonging to Christ, whose is God’s, praise. Amen.
You’re kind for visiting this, our Port! Please stack as a favorite soon!! Tell your friend/s and anybody!!! Bring someone special with you next stay over!!!!
It may be none of not one of us remembers the snake oil pamphlets at the time of block letter printing, for lack of a better fit, and when the pitched wagon sales pitches were among the covered wagons of American pioneers. This is an entrepreneur endeavor, with a Mission, a polite affair, aside ample free amalgamation on a Pentecost-Christian ambassador entourage, only just right instead of big enough to bother, over a fair fair minus the fare you may find good with or without these, that $ale/s (if when you wish for more poeting) made to be an excellence on. Don a consideration cap to donate, any amount once if you hear around here, per visit for the opportunities, for a monthly vacation day even if you too are a workaholic, though that is philosophy unstumbled by a Master’s sermon-on-the-mount, One given for us every'man' (the Son of God is God’s ‘Christ’) by one given to us (Lord Jesus taught a message so well, He healed everything withal). Bye to by-and-by the introduction letter (I call a “let” though this is not sport, or neither only resort) is a report that comprehensively, thoroughly, exhaustively provides ample opportunity for structured one-faith literature to have any level of reader become saved accordingly (saint Peter said just as false prophets used to notably be around, today there are modern false teachers among honest believers, so the necessity to be accurate is essential), among very good poetry (only poetry, instead of one said former Holy Bible Study) that is all faithful as Christian literature set in modern scenario including other sidekick Blogging, not as a club or activity of merely social medias, then to locate-locate-locate like the said 22 gems of doubled-Song / Psalm 108 : (3b) on sweet psalm 119 in a blurb headliner, a warp wormhole (author’s convention intuition) whole designating from ‘one-inside’ Book Five (starts at #107) of the grand total all 150, poetry according to Acts 17 context thank, that Eck poets so all the ‘www’ salt water: “sea-tea” (get it: my phonetic initials) may have you at C. T. Eck’s Port, what to see, across to the balance of the blogs – Aye v. eh.
Ecks-Port pro, c/o C. T. Eck
* * *
1 / 2 "Asset" [poem]
by poet Eck, C. T.
If you don’t count me an asset
At least keep me safe in use
If you won’t come to me as an asset
You should know you could have some due
If you can’t pursue the asset
Change the outcome to your hold
Everyone’s a said asset
I thought you of all should go
* * *
2 / 2 "To Poem Life In" [poem]
by poet Eck, C. T.
Say what you feel in integrity
Skip what you want more honestly
Write-up uprightly what we need as key
Win of a charity kind of love that gives of thee
Speak your mind as just in time
Write a poem for prizing a rhyme
Keep up that pace because you are a friend of mine
Watch your notoriety then in even your name
Make a wish that you will not go bye
Have an open spot calling somewhat of yours: By
Give it as all new poetry your old college try
Have another fan and get closer to the sky
If blocked there may be a better purpose
If forgotten hold out for mercy in this
If mistaken know when to call it a miss
If disrupted claim all peace over a well-wish
Poetry there in the manners of the psalms
Full out poetic from the inspired prophets’ hands
Spirits of the heavens as horses and riders in four colors
Library of books to mine in God’s Book unto our minds
Record your words to make a solid note
Recite your poetry in standing bold then bespoke
Publish your works like a castle of pages inside a cover moat
Pray before, first, even afterwards with noble words brought
* * *
Main Directory
(differs from the former Mini Redirectory, up above higher.)
***deals with this entire Website, not just this here Home Page.
includes key topics of distinct page names based on my last name “Eck.”
involves the two or in some cases three poems titles therein.
each page has, in an effort to start right, its own unique letter.
each page letter introduces the poems for each respective page.
In order, based on the Navigation -pages- for this Website you are on now.
There are twenty-nine (29) pages as a grand total.
Typically, that would be four (4) sections of seven (7) each + one (1) more (because 4 x 7 = 28 +1 for 29, again the total of pages offered), howsoever these pages are rather divided into the initial seven (7) pages with more poems that normal (typically only two per page, while these have mostly three each page), then the seven (7) ‘PoetryBow’ pages, then nine (9) more ‘Ecks-’ pages, and finally five (5) special / specific pages that vary slightly from the ‘norm’ around these Port’s parts, & finally finally only one (1) addition with Updates as oncoming. Notice this Webspace is Outreach based to reach readers online; that is the main purpose with cause. Special note: Mr. Eck was water baptized in early 1995, so these numbers line up fair and well, enough.
Ecks-Port, or ‘HomeSweetPort’ = get Home!
“Asset” original poem
“To Poem Life In” original poem
Ecks-press = creative writing
“Standards High” original poem
“Mermaid @ WaterPark (Pen-The-Cost/Worth)” original poem
doubles as a Children’s Story for all the young-at-heart
complete with a “General Guide” to assist your read
“I Would Be” original poem
Ecks-caliber = about ‘Eck’
“Mine Affinity” original poem
“Battle Day” original poem
“Ty-Ping” original poem
Ecks-ample = why poetry?!
“The Me Of You” original poem
“Salts Fold” original poem
“It’s Math, It’s Love:” original poem
Ecks-it = products $ale
“Under, Over” original poem
“Samantha Who?” original poem
“Unique” original poem
Ecks-change = no comment?
“The Change Blythe Noticed And The Change In Blythe” original poem
“The Saurus” original poem
“Life Mostly” original poem
Ecks-po = saving position
“Components” original poem
“G9 (10)” + "G29" original poem/s
Red Fix= Chamber #1 / 7
“Lackadaisical” original poem
“Rainbow Limericks” original poem
Orange Fix= Chamber #2 / 7
“Give Her” original poem
“We” original poem
Yellow Fix= Chamber #3 / 7
“RunRunRunRunRun” original poem
“Morning’s Shore” original poem
Green Fix= Chamber #4 / 7
“Then And Now On Us” original poem
“Kissed And” original poem
Blue Fix= Chamber #5 / 7
“My Answers” original poem
“Young Child Smilin’ On A Summer’s Day” original poem
Indigo Fix= Chamber #6 / 7
“Coloresque” original poem
“Time In Color” original poem
Violet Fix= Chamber #7 / 7
“But For God” original poem
“Not Chance” original poem
Ecks-Isle = visit our island
“Visit The Isle” original poem
“Fortune (410) Fortress” original poem
[these two poems are not from within the newer Book]
Ecks-toll = tollbooth donate lane
“Here For Now” original poem
“For Good” original poem
Ecks-Urb = city outskirts
“The Lead” scripture-set Holy Bible Study Outline
“Planet” original poem
“Smile Because” original poem
Ecks-tent = links of intent
“Thoughts On” original poem
“Shoelaces” original poem
Ecks-cell = contact trials
“She's So” original poem; for former "Adventurous" news bit poem, read $aled Book. "Eyeful Towers” original poem
Ecks-box = fun ‘n’ games
“To Learn From Life, Get Going With Baseball, Sports, And Games” original poem
“Eleventh Shift” original poem
Ecks-site = health tips
“Ratiocination” original poem
“Meet And Meat” original poem
Ecks-plant = petpics
“God’s Prayers” original poem
“Whoa Bessie!” original poem
Ecks-seed = EXTRA
“Not So” original poem
“All Aboard The Relation Ship” original poem
“Future: To Live Past My Life” original poem
“Sharing Faith Life” original poem
[these two poems are not from within the newer Book]
/ / / / / / / = hidden, secret chamber
“Missing Poem” [write your own; with opener letter to inspire you]
“Psalm 23” A Psalm of David. [Two Holy Bible versions utilized]
Trope Eck = * big bonus
“Citizen Of A World Perceived” original poem
“Traveling Time” original poem
Acts & Eck = ask Eck (not so ‘Christianese’)
“All Things New” original poem
“The Kindergarten Question” original poem
‘Eck’ plus ‘Wise’ = X + Y
“The Single Life” original poem
“With” original poem
Children's Books = Career Path Highlights
Titles, Bios, Excerpts (one in full)
"3-D Movie" original *Bonus* poem [does not count as one of the 59 shared poems]
* * * is *Copyrighted* protected on an on site
(*)Procedurally, this author quotes NewKingJames-Version of the Holy Bible (unless otherwise specified), possibly at times combining overlap highlights from the ReferenceKingJames-Version particularly at places certain “Or,” “Hebrew,” or “Greek” rework as English translation is entered to access within that very published application, that may be looked into as C. T.’s “revision version” but only by excerpts individually, as usually bracketed. Reading/s by "Eck's Port Pro" visitors (tourists!?) helps make a connection bond between scripture and the reader, if one spy the 'scrips' shared on. Pics are my own photographs, logos, or else "fair use" by kind hope of a responsible response, in very rarely by common online searchings (the ship Or vessel, for examples) from other than another someones' business Site/s of their own.
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Thank-you kindly for your interest and / or investment in advance.
* * *
Pentecost-Christian flame art piece
Look, for more no bore on the 24ths monthly (extra extra plus seven days March though to too) , if when then, for 2024, a re-port to establish foundation, for new readings amidst the news/es or media coverage, within the Ps…alm sky settled glad grin grid of I suppose old reads of wills heaven’s God stills us by, holy Scriptures (The Book / Bible) use not abused like one of my Brochures, “Only As Much As You Can Take – Enough Spirituality At One Time Is Enough” (via ‘Blog EINS’ nearby linked Ecks-tent page/r.
If oncoming, as on going, for in an up smile right by a closing 'closet' parentheses, there a near scent sentence ago, then there their God for us, so see for poetry-try more again. 7/24 exercised senses season by season, think to the width with 247 poems, published sum 59 & some purchasing P. S. 24-7!!
* * *
Additive for 24ths, herein Apr 24, 2024.
Like March was some longer (a week over just the 24th and 25th (go on to know the LORD) for 20-24), now April the 24th may be well with worth daily during -Passover-, a week of days, adding if day by day versus one chunk to click the 24th only, which was a day ago Wednesday.
For 23-24 Apr – Doubling down, not behind because posted pure for the poet port. Yes, you, any, may send for the whole gamut, no gamble though neither a Daily Gauntlet, do dues up once monthly. Where what is is up in partitions for a feast week with the 24th within, kept noted above by title and for Christ Christians, we are let beyond letter/s. So note too that the mere letters these (pages) are those unique with poem/s or so, to be little by little brief and at a page or less a day makes for new things with the old Holy Bible, if read – blessed if a read at The Revelation to start thunk thinking on The Gospel Acts off the beginning of new Testament (will by explained in ‘Ephesians’, not a fee for foundation fusion). Look again about dates this month for what of what is posted as usual, to be used and I refuse to use it for using else or less fair use, no peddling the Word that contains The Gospel afield.
For 25 Apr – As a good work writer I like to like Outlining, and find the optimum is ‘Our Father’ model manner prayer ‘outline’ for especially abouts avoiding and escaping temptation, found early in early new Testament (Holy Bible The Book) ‘Matthew’ three Chapters there 5-7 Grand Total, plus whereas another place locale not listed with. Hear ye, hereby, this be Outlined my called chosen faithful Webspace Site, called overall throughout “FourSite” in foresight, so to speak you acknowledging reading by and by faith to faith (mixed or not profited if not) inside gathering, not necessarily read aloud.
Come together with 1/ /4 ‘Gate Site’ / 2/ /4 ‘Name Main Own Business Port Senses’ / 3/ /4 ‘Mission Museum Triple Trip’ / 4/ /4 ‘Vision Plain’ and link/s for a band liking soon plus a gift for Jesus the Christ our Lord if Savior, both of these latters later if and if sooner. As glad to get towards guarding heartily done good words given as offering free Or up to readers readings liked for newer Book $ale as a great garnished to keep -you- ready willing able up against tribulation/s, near the end is near.
For 26-27 Apr – Well liking giving thanksgiving for going the ‘gate’ ‘Gate Site’ likely without walking at a gate either instead sitting or standing by, one praise for the named Main (by the way, if I locate a locale for how what I feel led for is the highest topmost example of a quote use of especially scriptures (holy), I can call that a ‘Main’ and that also may or must describe point on point as what means lean in exact exacting) is as a court arrival and still still courting courtly. This is where and how I got prayer up by learning by doing Psalm 100, a verse there gates and courts and a how-to, see there for learning curve acting praying. So thanks and praises for those of these double days.
For 28 Apr, yes a Sunday – Now formulating singular lines for about a month away in May (the 24th again, and by April here longer at a week, plus into beyond the Passover feast coinciding the May Day first calendar day of May) and I was before inspired, before, on Sunday here thereabouts for stating what sayings I have good to best, bettered at and at that. These length of lines share God’s care cares dear like a letter start or a good-night wish again passing the day overnight. There, so and by me for leading right getting growing up is more than the lines this month, and well done meanwhile, I prefer teaching by poems, littler enough. Notice seeing how several many pages have about a pair of two poems a piece, and for Web Publishing limitations, the takes of briefer poems (even longer ones can be done online swiftly and to be comprehended) with standardized letters of sorts of uniform length, this outreach contains contentment God meant, as to consider the understandable ought about all to repent, for all. Read a poem introduced by a letter lead-up and double that and try a page a day for roundabout a month. If you too like Children’s Books, for whole families variously serious on finding faithfulness in other writing, know Children’s Books are my calling and after upon at keeping up trying at poetry, that is complete, Book on, available today a great square (literally) larger Book as far as poetry goes among others’ chapbooks or more oft collections.
For 29 Apr, Or + 30 Apr – Send for (Contact Specifics to look over first, -go-) the top tips of in-the-Holy-Bible God-appointed ‘prayer requests’ more than one or two, whew. Whoop! Not a $ale and find God’s will for what to ask when you seek, if with a knock. Try it out, and these!!
Then wrapping up the earliest day of May (5/1/2024), publishing preaching that reads taught teaching. Me, I think poems work, and that they do much better than lecturing or for with your own speed through.
‘Gate Site’ – local Business cards locally provided, not online link info / brief in 2-40 minutes made for the Inter/net and safe, sufficient enough to be super not stupor simple, serious, sober, serendipitious, even straight taught true not false teaching (not a quiz nor a whiz).
‘Name Main’ – Fair use, my own last ‘sur’ name like Paul used his name for Lord Jesus Christ teaching also, similar and to strengthen, stablish, settle you steady to stand on your own, Church affording on course of course, the only omnipresent (most cities) location-location-location real-ty that is the Lord’s House to meet and greet and feed and save like visited by this way (Ps alm 1 knows), herein multiplexed the only vowel in one of my names there that fits while colors fix a Bow of Poetry evened among many pages and but not to leave out a personal calling of -Children’s Books- at the same 2010 that I was inspired again to present in the now, no ow.
‘Mission’ – these things belong in a museum, so I call it. From Brochures through oft poems and oncoming ongoing for over the next decade, ‘I shall live and not die and declare the works of the LORD’ like more than on a hamburger, let us have heaven.
‘Vision’ – A challenge for me and for ahead a Book2 of one done in sixteen Categories, so send for a PostCard Or view by Publisher online (search ‘C. T. Eck’ writer author name) per page 19: Ecks-cell [excel :: Ecks-cell :: "contact trials"] at the ‘scroll dive’ boundary no barrier bottom – Contact Specific/s for what I share right there, see in the ‘www’ sea waves and bid community unity favor direct.
These are 4x, ‘FourSite’ and link and but two interrelate by Eck-varia and I joy in the vision (like on the FaceBook) one of four as much though that is the only not done beyond updates to the triple trip blogging that has about many and 5 and 1 furtherances per 1Blog, 2Blog, and AppleBust Blog, described at the link on HomeSweetPort via (not .com), as a match of little letters to trail blaze, not whistle blow, and more than pun fun as words play straight and a sound teach among only one Holy Bible Scripture Set Outline (not stricture, sure a lot).
Links all, minus ‘Gate Site’ shown grown at Ecks-tent [extent :: Ecks-tent :: "links of intent"] (page 18).
Placed for the once monthly, for easier, timed access and with a very easy read otherwise of only little letters with poems each page, a score more than lyrics and no less than to lead with The Lead (see Directory HomeSweetPort and this amount account twice there as well as secondly at Ecks-caliber [Excalibur :: Ecks-caliber :: “About ‘Eck’”] (page 3), for on Matthew 16 down to Mark 8 not down and out at Luke 4 (progression actually at Luke 9 (with an upside, look over, over!) instead of 16 halved 8 halved 4 and in order decently Matthew Mark Luke for sure among John’s ‘in the beginning’ like Moses Genesis 1 exact same for the same whole Book compliment over complement) on verses not versus saying -When He had called the people (un)to Himself, with His disciples also, He said (un)to them, “Who(so)ever desires to (will) come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me-.
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