Heyyo Porters:
Here is a study, yes to read and twice (be a stud, and, study!): about all of wordings, that, used oft and most on Eck’s-Port, may elsewhere overinundate any, and hereby need some less furtherance and better candidness; there are big words to build vocabulary, new words (like perhaps the first female American Vice President runner a fewer elections ago some once “invented” for one of these), and combo words (not always advised and usually overuseful), and then phonics – words just like “export” is sounded as Eck’s-Port these several pages (the combo words seam overstatements or else understatements). Examples extreme the expanse now following: the biggest words I know are supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and antidisestablishmentarianism – those definitions for these, like any Eck’s-Port variation may be seen in search engines parameters on…your own, if so wished, and as I thought to hope without scrambling (more work orders for an already percentaged (working on up) Website in that it does have a little and a little though left to construct right (at least on the Blog/s sister site, www.Ecks-Isle.tech). A blessed version of this (big words) is Adam naming animals. A lesser (and as a hard lesson) of this (big words) is psychology calling temptation or disasters instead disorders at a dime a dozen or no rhyme or reason, how that people get weary or sorrowful or both (or neither) from a call out for many of the few who can do fair and well. Combination words are not for my gym locker (##~##~##) but arrive on our own when we stop-gap words that already exist like “bester” as altogether of “best” and “better” or the best of the better, thinking better things in – ‘Hebrews’ (new Testament); another example is what evolution is supposed to do but what we do not see, like half and half animals perhaps anyone has renamed on their own, where "big" could be "b-ig" from "bat-pig": those can be skipped because they get obnoxious, usually when overused less appropriatingly, and naturally these are not the best or the way to live, however they become possible when people make board games, game shows, and jive or make the most of life (otherwise we should not converse either a curse nor as terse in an overly trite commons).
Both the poems found this page are respectively not from out of the newer Book, and but are placed on this Website online space as a bonus to collect, titled on the one hand, “Future: To Live Past My Life,” and then on the other hand, titled “Sharing Faith Life” – as you can fairly gain to tell, “life” recurs as a theme in both of each of these, where both of them are particularly potent as some of the toughest poems I have yet to have written: tough love is a form of love, and these poems are, again, tougher (they were not necessarily tougher to write, but were challenging and fall on the confrontational side; it is a tough work, but not a tough sell, to produce “Judgment Day” coverage, to be sure). Now, you, too, being wise to know by the poemings herein (spend faith to obey, your righteous step that is left!), this born of God way to get home to the Kingdom of God, heavenly, that King Jesus taught is the "born again" model: fashionable enough for you to shape yourself pliable to a molding that matters in the ascended Master's hands, this Lord Jesus whose Father's hands can keep you - safely make peace, Porters!
Ecks-Port pro, c/o C. T. Eck
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1 / 2 "Future: To Live Past My Life" [poem]
by poet Eck, C. T.
My life has an end, well to read on
Indeed, time has an end
I must see past my own death, stay next me
I choose to focus on eternity
There is a time and a place for this life
Time and chance are happenstance
Consider question
Understand Christian
Scriptural diction
Poeming function
Unless when I make it
Through to the catching away blessed hope
Or the Rapture as it’s better known
Those who are alive and remain and do
They don’t have to face death like the rest
Decently in decency
Have you known the order this shoulders?
The living know they shall die
Now some more of us can meet up in the sky
To enter in simultaneously see
Are you alive, be in turn to free,
Aware awake?!!!
The we of us became the Savior's sake
There the God of the Old Testament took leave while still reigning
To become the man of the New Testament look Who's been hanging
Tempted, sinless, teacher, reigning
Here a hook to believe the Book Bible unfeigning
This reported Gospel of God's Kingdom
Hear to listen on then more than a nook this Movement staying
The gates of Hades shall not prevail against this Church
Reason the Spirit a Holy Ghost you should but the world cannot be receiving
On a rock Revelation with fruit in patience remaining
In an honest and good heart please try to understanding
Instruction here to convert to that life is healing
Religion determines how I can live forever
It’s rather a relationship
If I know Jesus as Father God, not man alone
Teaching of Christ has both Father and Son
Wholesome tough-stuff or solid sincere and simple enough
If you want to understand Godhead-quarters
The Lord is the Master as says this as such
These to you, is it much? or more than a hunch!
Call Him Lord intimately yet doing His word worshipfully
Believing this I have life everlasting
Life eternal, eternal life
World without end
Hope you there too
One is He
That we may be
One too
Love You and you
The Lord Jesus,
Whom you may say if He is Christ
This Jesus taught
“God is a spirit”
Since Jesus is a man
The only person you will see is Jesus
There are not three persons, hence three people
The Godhead is in that man, Jesus
For a man is not in the Godhead as only part
All the Godhead is in Christ Jesus bodily
As says scriptures by the way
Things must happen and they will
At least all along the way
I choose life
It may seem fruitless now
Though it isn’t, even now
It’s all going to be worth it all
That happy day
For every one over there, do not be scared
I fear the Judgment Day
In the healthy way
Because I fear the end results
Of rebellion against the beautiful way
Band together to praise reverend Lord majestic
Ever of forever and
I’ve heard it to be called
The highway of holiness
And the most holy faith
It leaves room for faiths and ways
Even though they cannot save unless until
Principles are converted to one at a time
Shining exposing
Measure of faith through a little
A save by a Savior able saving to the uttermost more than a lot
It smoothes even when the God of salvation is your own God
Though with love for my Lord
Me I had shied away from telling the King
Wanting to not bring what happened
Before Him the Holy One
The God is love and while
I kneel to Christ I will confess to God
I think I can do it now
- Have Heaven, not so-so heavy -
Because He is and rewards openly in secret prayer
So I get more ready most daily
For the Bema Judgment Seat
Going my way
When I either over ether
Let my feet walk in or my legs hadn't run out
To ponder my path
Moving a walk left and right discerning carnal from spiritual
Exercising senses next new gifts supernatural
It is also a duty call for the us of our
Lives we share
Willing with running all as mercy is in
As members influencing the same societies
The Highest is still my length of days
He is my life, in our church
Indeed he is the life
Again, the way and the truth and the life
Outside of Christ, there is no hope
That is why I trust
That Holy One above
I give Him my allegiance, and all else
In the day when God will judge
(The secrets of men) by J. C.
Each one may receive the things according in the body
Good or bad
Why for because of what reason endeavoring labor aiming to please
Against that day for it too until the day He returns in the Revelation
This place here, already around, about Him, at His mountain
Early 1 Corinthians 4 lets a man in consideration b e l i e v e
If some things are hard to understand
And think the way of transgressors is hard
But Jesus of Narareth answers
"My yoke is easy and My burden is light"
So, my life has an end
Time itself has an end too
So, I must see past my death
I know to Whom I am accountable to
Grand on the way Home
To, my God of Heaven
Me on Earth for a reason, this is that hope
All my duty, my responsibility
A purpose shared with His
Yes, the cause is there
Mentioning you beyond yours in prayer that won’t cease out
With thanksgiving
I have this commission
Perferable status with a local church
Even a Pastor-Shepherd
Who preaches to save
On the earthly new birth
On the heavenly one good God
On the holiness man can enjoy
Because God is beauty of holy
If all things be possible with God
The mission is possible
I must spread the message
One life in which to get it right
Reverence and fear God
Ready for the day
It’s coming, like mine and all others
Yes, it will be settled with each and all
Amen at your service
Fulfill this wish for me
Make sure born again is your reality
To be caught away from the Adam-line sin
As for me and my life
I already am sure
I pray you’re also prepared for that day
By grace in today: an each new day slightly altered
And mightily at an altar
The time is now
Today is the day
Then what then what again
What happens next?
Beside the givens
It’s up to you
To revise your system
Do what you need
To make amends
Do what’s right
But not in your sight alone
'A false balance is abomination to the Lord: but a just weight is his delight'
This a proverb in the midst of one Solomon's godly collection by God
Apply, define to refine repenting for yourself
Just in the much and the munching of life
But do this: do it: repent towards God
Know it prepares and is open too
Repenting to God opens to what showcases here:
The cross of Christ was already near this land how many miles away?
“If you love me,” said and says Jesus
“Keep My commandments”
Beyond, what do you want?
So what to do but where to go by how to wait
The question is - have you accepted the gospel of God
Die from your own self
Maybe desires, maybe attitudes, mistaken notions
If you failed around in not pleasing God, you can now
Tell Him, to make Him your God
Heart in hands
Confess your little mess compared to God magnified
In old-fashioned authentic repentance
Through the power of God’s genuine, sinless life blood
As you get baptized in water to deal with sin
In agreement with Him
Then the Christ will baptize you
With His Holy Ghost
Entrance in the Kingdom of God with the Kingdom of God within
Obey and fulfill
Speak in languages you never knew
And He'll live in you, your heart true
Remain teachable, you
All possible because God giving measures faith
To please Him
So it is by action’s voice
Louder than words on the tree cross saving, us
Of what the Author of faith finished, us completing instead competing
We together faithing contending
I follow with my life, for He gave His
Saying in a way by His gospel to spread
“I give My Life love like this”
Because of Your grace
And the help in the race
Because of Your way
And the calm of the stay
Because of Your call
And the peace through it all
Because of Your name
For New Testament baptism
Because of Your touch
And the steady is so much
I give back to You our God, for
My life in Christ becomes again more
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2 / 2 "Sharing Faith Life" [poem]
by poet Eck, C. T.
Run that you may win, this just in
The Lord, the faith, the baptism, are each one
A good goal is to be apostle-taught not apostate
To go your whole life without Godly Pentecost would be too late
So I do well to be of Apostle-Teaching in doctrine
It is Apostolic for short and is worth the living
And I find it good to be Pentecost-Christian in experience
It is Pentecostal for short and makes for me no grievance
Are you hungry, hungering to know the real reel?
Some say doctrine is divisive; though tough, it is teaching truth so cool!
Peoples earn resumes, vitas, awards, trophies, and status
For an imperishable crown, even if you are a CEO, still qualify the Rapture at last
You can have your life be a high success no matter how hard it was
Know the difference between bad religion with false teachers
There were false prophets of old and today there is Mystery Babylon Mother Vatican
Once God hated erring religion, in the endtime denoted Interfaith spans
If prophet Elijah had a hard time with Baal worship harm
Today we find similar holiness Christians at odds with devil music or even Islamism
It should be no huge surprise if the endtime global government is already at the UN
What most do not see to is that believers are apart the world’s religions at the time of the end
Right before the Lord Jesus as one God comes back to Kingdom it in
All these things both right and wrong shall be as a given
Will you wish, did you know, can you tell, what is what???
The heavenly teaching of one good God is instead of Trinity, ready or not!!!
Me, I was not always born again because I grew up as a Lutheran Churchgoer
What is decently ordered is that Luther did not even recognize Rome is the Mother
Of Harlots international diplomatic core
See this Rome sits on seven hills as the Bible Revelation explains along other tidbit hints
If we are going to escape all these things to stand before the son of man, it is going to
take our pray-meditating wits
I can happily tell you that to be holy someone needs the Holy Spirit
Mother Mary too spoke in other languages that Church day first
At Pentecost there were present 10-times as many as the 12 apostles
Later that day thousands received the same gift we know today, so it was for more than
just 12
This gift has been present in millions of our world’s billions even now
Will you too be baptized in the Spirit to be born of the Spirit, wow!?
But how ever does one speak in tongues?!
That is, without seeming presumptuous or sounding preposterous
Simply first repent, believe the gospel, and also have your sins remitted by Jesus Christ
It is by washing them away in water baptism taking the name of the Lord Jesus
It is defined mystery: some people get it, some do not
When the Holy Ghost falls you can know for yourself that that is it: Holiness haven
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